Before my dives I am entirely detached. I have no feelings, no fear, no anxiety, no doubts, no butterflies nor excitement. I hear the countdown and it doesn’t even feel it is directed to me. I hear “official top”, i take my last breath, I go, and my body is doing all the things that im supposed to be doing. I apply some sort of willful control over minor things, mostly stuff that I just recently introduced or changed, because they haven’t become routine yet. For the rest it almost feels like I’m not even there.
This bizarre thing happened the first time during my last competition day in Sharm, and even though that dive was a personal best, there was a rough surface and a mild current I felt completely unbothered about it. During the final countdown I heard “30 seconds” and I caught myself thinking “ah, it is for me they are counting down”.
Since then I did 4 dives to the bottom of the blue hole and this total detachment keeps staying with me.
Every time I go do a new dive I think my brain is going to reset and go back to normal, but no, it keeps not happening.
In the last 12 months my mental approach to my dives has changed a lot; I find all this so incredibly fascinating and i have a lot more to say on this subject, but since Instagram doesn’t allow long monologues, i’ll add more of my rambles in the next posts.
P. S. This video is answer to people who ask what’s so special about the Blue Hole
P. P. S. Thanks a ton to Tito Zappalà for safety, support and the best snorkel countdown that was ever invented.